pressure head of ground water câu
ground pressure
Ground pressure was 0.76 kg/cm2 (10.8 psi).[22]Áp lực trên mặt đất là 0.76 kg/cm2 (10.8 psi).[19] Ground pressure was 0.76 kg/cm2 (10....

head pressure
What kind of head pressure will the pump be pushing against?Loại áp lực đầu nào mà bơm sẽ được đẩy lên? How are you controlling head p...

pressure head
pressure head across each of the pump;Van kiểm tra gắn ở đầu hút của mỗi bơm; Also called pressure head.ψ còn gọi là cột áp (pressure ...

ground water
Ground water problems and how to resolve them.Vấn đề chung về bơm giếng nước và cách xử lý chúng. Ground water is located in porous ro...

into ground-water and find their way into the food chain.Nhưng chúng cũng chảy vào hệ thống nước và tìm đường vào chuỗi thức ăn. Witho...

head of water
Head of water which can be utilized,Thực tế nước có thể sử dụng được, Head of Water Skilướt ván water ski Mr. Phan Thanh Hung, Head o...

head water
Because of the way the nose connects with the head, water can’t rise high enough in your nose to get into sinuses in that position.Do c...

pressure water
We use the same high pressure water jet, we use to test cardiac workload.Ta dùng vòi nước áp suất cao mà hay dùng để kiểm tra tim. No ...

water pressure
Do you think this'll take the water pressure?Anh nghĩ việc này sẽ làm cho áp suất nước tăng lên không? I thought this hotel had good w...

ground bearing pressure
A concrete floor is all about 250mm thick, it’s the ground bearing pressure which makes the difference.Một sàn bê tông là khoảng 250mm ...

deep ground water
Groundwater: The water emerging from some deep ground water may have fallen as rain many tens, hundreds, or thousands of years ago.1.Nư...

ground water contamination
As reported, 152 out of 163 water wells were tested for ground water contamination.Theo báo cáo, 152 trong tổng số 163 giếng nước được ...

ground water level
Years later, when the sea retreated and lowered the ground water level, the dissolution of rock stopped and the process was reversed.Nh...

ground water pollution
Ground water pollution is also at unacceptable levels.Nam Định nước giếng cũng bị nhiễm As ở mức độ không chấp nhận được.

ground water protection
Ground Water Protection Council and ALL Consulting, 2009.^ a ă Ground Water Protection Council; ALL Consulting (tháng 4 năm 2009). ^ a...

ground water supply
We all know that we cannot trust either municipal water supply or ground water supply to be pure these days, when the water pollution i...

ground water table
Further treatment occurs within the soil, prior to entering the ground water table.Sự xử lý diễn ra thêm trong lòng đất, trước khi đi v...

replenishment of ground water
Many other techniques are used, such as using low-impact building materials or using packed gravel or permeable concrete instead of con...

vapour pressure of water
This is the vapour pressure of water at that temperature.Đây chính là áp suất hơi cân bằng của nước tại nhiệt độ đó. For low pressure ...

water pressure tank
The well pump, in turn, could have been damaged or hastened to the end of its life by a bad water pressure tank which has caused well p...

water under pressure
Water under pressure has a high capacity for absorption of air and gases.Nước dưới áp suất có khả năng hấp thụ cao của không khí và khí...

keep one's head above water
Keep one's head above water: stay out of debt or a difficult keep one's head above water: giữ cho mình được an toàn; giữ k...

If you wait 15 minutes, he'll be late and you'll have to ground him.Nếu anh chờ 15 phút, nó sẽ về trễ và anh sẽ phạt nó. I really miss...

It takes approximately ten to twelve minutes after the loose soil has come off to remove the ground-in insoluble soil from garments.Phả...

on the ground
One freezing cold night, he tumbles out of his nest, lands on the ground.Một đêm lạnh lẽo, nó té ra khỏi tổ, rớt xuống đất. SEAL team ...